Last Friday (21st May 2010), I went through the registration process; it's quiet hot and chaotic that day - luckily I'm well prepared, so, not much into problems. Mahallah Abu-Bakar or what the senior called as ABC, stand for Abu Bakar College is where my room located at. Luckily, i was located at the first floor, no much worrying about losing my fat..=)).
So, the orientation week a.k.a Ta'ruf week went smoothly, the only problems that i faced is I only brought only a piece of white shirt - well, i thought that I can wear others colored shirt but the fact is;ONLY WHITE COLORED SHIRT ARE ALLOWED DURING TA'RUF WEEK. So, i had to washed it 3x during the ta'ruf week.
By the end of the orientation week, I get pumped up - knowing that we're going to start the academy session soon. To be frank, my brain need some work out; it's kinda freezing inside there. What i hoped from CFSIIUM is; I can perform my very best here and proof to everyone that I CAN DO IT IF I WANT TO DO SO. Another things is i also realised that UiTM is not meant for me, and IIUM is where my destiny lies. So, farewell UiTM and say hello to CESIUM.

so, folks, hope u entertained!! and wish me all the best.